By Chan Hoi Ki on 09/06/2022

Holiday Boredom Busters Ideas – Outdoors (Part 1)
Nothing spells fun like outdoor activities with your kids! This is one of the best ways to break the boredom of being stuck at home - with a little added spice to your outdoor trip!
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- Academic
- activities
- animal hunt
- art gallery
- Attention Span of Children
- attentionspanofchildren
- attractions
- Back-to-school
- benefitsofbilingualism
- bilingual
- bilingualism
- bilingualmistakes
- bilingualsg
- blog
- Breaks for Children
- buried
- changi airport
- checklist
- child
- children
- chinatown
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- chinese language
- chinese learning
- Chinese New Year Customs
- Chinese New Year Customs in Singapore
- Chinese New Year in Singapore
- Chinese Zodiac Signs
- chineseapp
- chineselearning
- chinesenewyear
- chinesenewyear prepjunior
- chores
- CNY Celebration
- CNY Eve Singapore
- CNY2022
- Concentration Span of Children
- conversational
- creative
- cultures
- Development
- education
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- family
- First day of school
- food
- funlearning
- funlearningathome
- gameapp
- gardening
- Goal setting
- healt
- health
- holidays
- home based learning
- household chores
- How to improve my child's concentration
- How to keep your child focused
- HowtoimproveMotherTongueinSG
- howtoteachmychildmandarin
- iambilingualsg
- Improve concentration in kids
- jewel
- jewel changi
- journal
- kindergarten
- kopi
- language
- language app
- languagelearning
- learn chinese
- learnchinese
- learning
- learningjourney
- learnmandarin
- learnthroughplay
- leekuanyewfundforbilingualism
- lemonade
- Lion dance Singapore
- LNY2022
- Longer attention span
- lunarnewyear
- madein
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- MOE Chinese for kindergarden
- MOE Chinese for Primary School
- MOE education
- MOE Mandarin
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- money
- MotherTongueSG
- multilingual
- national gallery
- national museum of singapore
- nature
- nature journaling
- ndp2022
- outdoors
- parent-child
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- Parenting Tips
- Parenting Tips Singapore
- plants
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- playdough
- playground
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- press
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- primary school
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- sandpit
- scavenger
- scavenger hunt
- school holidays
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- Setting Academic Goals
- sewing
- sgkids
- sgmandarin
- Sgmandarinforchildren
- SGmandarinresources
- SGmothertongueresources
- sgp
- SGparent
- Singapore
- Singapore kids
- singaporechinese
- Smartdevices
- speak mandarin
- speakmandarin
- story based
- storybased
- supermarket treasure hunt
- supportlocalSG
- technology
- Things to note
- Things to note for back to school
- thirdlanguage
- tips for first day of school
- traditions
- Traditions of CNY
- treasure
- vygotsky
- Wellbeing
- young learners