By Chan Hoi Ki on 28/07/2022

SG57: National Day Activities for the Family
SG57 NDP2022 is coming soon! What are some of the activities you and your family can enjoy together to soak in the festivities?
Read MoreBy Tammy Kong on 14/01/2022

Back to school series: Setting academic goals for the New Year
Setting academic goals are essential in setting the tone and expectations right for the rest of the academic year.
Read MoreBy Tammy Kong on 07/01/2022

Back to school series: How to keep your child focused for a longer period of time
Understanding your child's attention span allows you to allocate time for breaks in between tasks that require a certain level of concentration and focus.
Read MoreBy PR Newswire on 08/09/2021

Prep Ventures Launches New Locally Relevant Mobile App, Prep Junior, To Promote Bilingualism In Young Learners In Singapore
Prep Ventures today announced the launch of Prep Junior, a free-to-download story-based Chinese learning app to help promote Chinese language learning and bilingualism. Prep Junior aims to nurture curiosity and confidence in speaking Mandarin for young learners with stories set in Singapore, and to infuse digital learning in the classroom and at home.
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