By Koh Xin Jie Raiyi on 05/01/2023

Tips to ensure your child’s mental well-being
Our child's mental health has a complex interactive relationship with their physical health and ability to succeed in school, work, and society. Read this blog to find out more tips on how you can manage your child's mental health.
Read MoreBy Chan Hoi Ki on 23/06/2022

Back-to-school series: Tips for preschool parents (with NEW Prep Jr Home-Learning Kit!)
The end of the June school holiday is near! Fret not, here are some tips as parents to better ease your kid's transition to return to school. Come check out the new Prep Jr Home-Learning Kit as well!
Read MoreBy Tammy Kong on 14/01/2022

Back to school series: Setting academic goals for the New Year
Setting academic goals are essential in setting the tone and expectations right for the rest of the academic year.
Read MoreBy Tammy Kong on 07/01/2022

Back to school series: How to keep your child focused for a longer period of time
Understanding your child's attention span allows you to allocate time for breaks in between tasks that require a certain level of concentration and focus.
Read MoreBy Tammy Kong on 31/12/2021

Preparing Your Child for Back-To-School:
The first few days of school can be challenging for children to adapt to after a long holiday. Find tips for a smooth transition and help your child get ready for back to school.
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